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August 01, 2003

Last day in Biella

Ok, here we go again! I have not really much to write today, just a few lines. Last two days have been really relaxing. Yesterday I did basicly nothing; got up by 9 or 9.30, had some breakfast. After that Andra's father took me up the mountains to an old monastery of the Black Madonna, Oropa. It was very nice, calm and quite, and the air was cold and fresh. But, as everywhere else, restaurants and souvenir shops all over the place.

After this we went home to have some dinner, and then I went in to the town to play some Internet and watch some guys playing a strange game of "Biliardo Italiano". Quite impressive really.

In the evening there were some more food eaten, and some reaxing music played and we did some chatting.

I think today is even more relaxing, at 10.30 I went to the town, sat at a café reading "Moby Dick" and watching odd people from Italy :)

And right now I'm at the University of Biella... He... It's compleatly empty, but I asked a woman in the reception if there was a computer I could play with for a while... And she opened a room for me and let me in... no registration - no password... just for free (last days I payed €10 for 2h :)

So, tonight me and Andrea will go out and have a "real italian pizza" (with kebab and B�arnaise sauce???) - and some "real italian ice cream"... :) And so I hope that he can drive me to some good place tomorrow so that I can get a lift up north, through France hopefully...

Yepp, so that's how it seems right now. And I hope that I now will get hope to Sweden before the 9 of August, to the wedding... :)

Posted by tubbe at August 1, 2003 02:21 PM