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August 06, 2003
"I have seen it all"
Yesterday we first went for a walk to see downtown Eindhoven and the campus, and later we went for a bike tour to see the gigantic forests and wilderness of the Netherlands :)
Later in the evening we and some friends of Nienke went to the amusement park and had some strange things to eat... :)
Today I went to a museum here sponsored and named after Philips... He's quite famous around here... but it really was a cool museum though there was no guided tour in english. But after talking some to the guy in the counter (who apparently had been working at DAF, later bought by Volvo - manufacturing Volvo 460!) he guided me in private for an hour or so :) Really great guy! Then I went to the fair and "won" a small puppy or something like that... well that's it for now..
Posted by tubbe at August 6, 2003 06:24 PM