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August 02, 2003
Hitchhiker in terrible traffic accident
Last night an accident occured just northwest of Geneva, Switzerland. This accident is thought to be caused by a hitchhiker trying to get a lift at a traffic light near the highway. Nobody is reported to be injured, but great damages were made to the both vehicles.
Said by the hitchhiker, two cars came from the city center. The second car was distracted by the hitchhiker when the first car stopped, and the accident was inevitable.
The first car had two passanger and the second three, of witch one a one year old boy. Nobody, including the hitchhiker, recieved any physical injuries, and it is reported the the child did not even wake up at the time of the accident.
The hitchhiker says that he will think a second thought next time he chooses his location of hitchhiking.
Posted by tubbe at August 2, 2003 09:00 AM
Posted by: rebecka at August 6, 2003 02:42 PM