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August 09, 2003

Finaly back in Sweden...

Yepp... Almost home... Got to Trelleborg by 8 pm today, and thought that I'd try to hitchhike home - a very bad idea! So at 10 pm I took a train to Malmö to try to get home to Jönköping, but the last train and bus had already left a few hours ago...

So now I'm at my brother's place and will sleep some few hours before I take the train home at 6.28 tomorrow morning :)

[I will finish this text later]

But I guess this is in the spirit of, at least the last part of the trip; yesterday morning I left Eindhoven, by first walking to a roundabout which was supposed to be a good place to hitchhike from, and so it was. Got to [somewhere] with a photographer who was to shoot something in the south of The Netherlands. He dropped me off at a gas station.

After a while I managed to ask a driver if he was going to Sweden, or Germany, and so he was... Germany. I wanted to jump off somewhere before Hannover, but he thought it was a bad idea, so I continued to [somewhere else].

After perhaps half an hour I, more or less by accident, asked a quite young guy if I could get a ride in his BMW - and he really said yes... Black Metal guy, but a very skillfull driver.... Drove from 104km outside Berlin to the center of the town in less than 55 minutes ;) WROOOM!!!!

So now I was in Berlin.... and had no idea where to go. So I tried to get in touch with Alex, so that he perhaps could ask Hagen what I should do. So after a while I got Hagen's phone number and could call him, and later to sleep at his place!! ;)

Woke by 6.45 and tried to hitch from Berlin, in a good place, but really wanted to go by train to be sure to get somewhere. Had no money though... Arrived at the trainstation by 10.05 and the train left 10.06 :)

Walked for some 4 hours in Rostock to get to the harbour, and came about 10 minutes before it was too late to the terminal, and got a ticket and went home to Sweden.... and here I am now.... stuck!

Posted by tubbe at August 9, 2003 12:06 AM