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July 23, 2003
Smurfin on the Internet
Ok.. Sitting here at the "Technische Universität Dresden" and smurfing... Alex let me in while he's studying.
So here I am. In Dresden. I think it's a very nice town... It's old, with lots of old bulidnings, the traffic isn't as bad as in other european cities (at least I don't think so..) and the people that I've met have all been nice to me.
I'm visiting Alex and Szilvia who both lived in my hall last autumn. They live in a very nice appartment in Neustadt. And I was truly impressed with this part of the town. Here many students, artists and poor people live, but I think it has a nice atmosphere... Especially this block that's been made into an art gallery - you walk throuhg the block, and the houses are painted, there's art all over the place, a café in the middle, and paintings, exhibitions and small art stores all over the place. Really nice and realaxed.
Down by the river Elbe there's a big outdoor theatre that gives movies every night, and tonight we're going to see "Snatch" - with german speech :) If I don't understand the fun in the film, I can always laugh at the language ;) It'll be fun!
Alex is going to give a presentation tomorrow at the university, and Szilvia has an exam in radiology-something... So right now Alex is prepareing his presentation and Szilvia is studying... But Alex let me use a computer at the school, and his bike, so this afternoon I will bike through the city and look at some buildings and some people!
I don't know for how long I'll stay here... Probably till Saturday or Sunday because A&S don't have that much time during the days. And then I'll go to Turin, Italy for some days.... and maybe it's better to go directly up to the Netherlands, rather than go up through Germany, and via Brauunschweig... Well, we'll se about that later!
So, for now. Have a nice day - I will! And don't sit too long in front of the computer....
Posted by tubbe at July 23, 2003 12:04 PM
Trevligt att följa din resa!
Posted by: Barbro at July 24, 2003 11:54 AM
Ja, visst är det! ;) Det tycker jag oxå!!
Posted by: Tubbebubbe at July 24, 2003 05:54 PM